The Spirit of Faith Newsletter – March 1983 (Print Edition)

The Spirit of Faith Newsletter - March 1983 (Print Edition)

The Spirit of Faith Newsletter – March 1983 (Print Edition)


Last month our teaching article was on why some Christians are failing in their faith walk. Many have made “faith attempts” but have not seen success. This has caused some to abandon the life of faith, or the “faith message” in despair, frustration or, sometimes, anger! Should “faith teaching” be abandoned? NO! The Word is plain that it is impossible to please God without faith! (Hebrews 11:6) If we have a desire to walk pleasing unto God, we are going to have to be “faith people!” Now, I realize that there have been extremes among some who thought they heard a Bible teacher say something that they thought they understood, and thought they knew how to apply. They wound up as confused as that last sentence! I am convinced that many folks that have wrongly applied the “faith message” are the ones responsible for the misunderstandings that have arisen. For instance, I trust that no one reading this article has done this – let’s say that someone hears it taught that you can have what you say. So they go off “claiming by faith” someone’s husband or wife! You may think that it hasn’t happened, but it has! I don’t care how much you may think you’ve “heard from God.” If you are doing something like that, it is not only misapplying the Word – it is sin! You need to confess it as such and go on with God!

This kind of story has been told over and over, trying to discredit those of us that teach faith. But the problem is not with the teaching, the problem is with some of the hearers! Some folks that hear the message of faith, prosperity, healing and success are just seeking things, but do you know what I’ve found? Those people don’t hang around too long! The REAL life of faith is not a “get rich quick scheme,” it is a way of life! Those that are after things don’t last long. No, the blessings of God don’t rain down on you like ripe cherries off of a tree. You have to continue in the Word. (John 8:31) You have to study to show yourself approved, a workman that doesn’t need to be ashamed, rightly dividing the Word of truth. (2 Timothy 2:15) Remember, it is a LIFE of faith! It took a while for you to become trained in unbelief before you became a believer, it may take a while for you to become trained to speak, act on, and do the Word. But don’t give up! CONTINUE in the Word of Faith!

Items of Interest in This Issue

Invitation to the Spirit of Faith Broadcast… Invitation to the Satellite World Campmeeting at Psalms 91 Church… Invitation to the Asheboro Victory Faith Seminar… Tape Offer, “Jamaica Faith Tapes”… Itinerary

Dr. Bill

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